Weather is always changing, and this webpage will help you stay prepared in any situation that may arise.
For more information on essential weather hazards, go to
Winter Weather / Nor'easter
How to Prepare:
Know your area’s risk for winter storms. Extreme winter weather can leave communities without utilities or other services for long periods of time.
Prepare your home to keep out the cold with insulation, caulking, and weather stripping. Learn how to keep pipes from freezing. Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors with battery backups.
Pay attention to weather reports and warnings of freezing weather and winter storms. Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.
Gather supplies in case you need to stay home for several days without power. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Do not forget the needs of pets. Have extra batteries for radios and flashlights.
Create an emergency supply kit for your car. Include jumper cables, sand, a flashlight, warm clothes, blankets, bottled water, and non-perishable snacks. Keep the gas tank full.
Learn the signs of, and basic treatments for, frostbite and hypothermia.
How to Act During:
Stay off roads if at all possible. If trapped in your car, then stay inside.
Limit your time outside. If you need to go outside, then wear layers of warm clothing. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Only use generators and grills outdoors and away from windows. Never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven.
Reduce the risk of a heart attack. Avoid overexertion when shoveling snow.
Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia and begin treatment right away.
Check on neighbors. Older adults and young children are more at risk in extreme cold.
How to Recognize and Respond:
Frostbite causes loss of feeling and color around the face, fingers, and toes.
Signs: Numbness, white or grayish-yellow skin, firm or waxy skin
Actions: Go to a warm room. Soak in warm water. Use body heat to warm. Do not massage or use a heating pad.
Hypothermia is an unusually low body temperature. A temperature below 95 degrees is an emergency.
Actions: Go to a warm room. Warm the center of the body first—chest, neck, head, and groin. Keep dry and wrapped up in warm blankets, including the head and neck.
Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.
If flash flooding is a risk in your location, then monitor potential signs, such as heavy rain.
Learn and practice evacuation routes, shelter plans, and flash flood response.
Gather supplies in case you have to leave immediately, or if services are cut off. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Don’t forget the needs of pets. Obtain extra batteries and charging devices for phones and other critical equipment.
Purchase or renew a flood insurance policy. It typically takes up to 30 days for a policy to go into effect and can protect the life you've built. Homeowner’s policies do not cover flooding. Get flood coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Keep important documents in a waterproof container. Create password-protected digital copies.
Protect your property. Move valuables to higher levels. Declutter drains and gutters. Install check valves. Consider a sump pump with a battery.
How to Act During:
Depending on where you are, and the impact and the warning time of flooding, go to the safe location that you previously identified.
If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Never drive around barricades. Local responders use them to safely direct traffic out of flooded areas.
Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions.
Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Don’t Drown!
Stay off bridges over fast-moving water. Fast-moving water can wash bridges away without warning.
If your vehicle is trapped in rapidly moving water, then stay inside. If water is rising inside the vehicle, then seek refuge on the roof.
If trapped in a building, then go to its highest level. Do not climb into a closed attic. You may become trapped by rising floodwater. Go on the roof only if necessary. Once there, signal for help.
How to Be Safe After:
Listen to authorities for information and instructions. Return home only when authorities say it is safe.
Avoid driving, except in emergencies.
Snakes and other animals may be in your house. Wear heavy gloves and boots during clean up.
Be aware of the risk of electrocution. Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. If it is safe to do so, turn off the electricity to prevent electric shock.
Avoid wading in floodwater, which can contain dangerous debris and be contaminated. Underground or downed power lines can also electrically charge the water.
Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery ONLY outdoors and away from windows.
How to Prepare:
Know your area’s tornado risk. In the U.S., the Midwest and the Southeast have a greater risk for tornadoes.
Know the signs of a tornado, including a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud; an approaching cloud of debris; or a loud roar—similar to a freight train.
Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts. If your community has sirens, then become familiar with the warning tone.
Pay attention to weather reports. Meteorologists can predict when conditions might be right for a tornado.
Identify and practice going to a safe shelter in the event of high winds, such as a safe room built using FEMA criteria or a storm shelter built to ICC 500 standards. The next best protection is a small, interior, windowless room on the lowest level of a sturdy building.
Consider constructing your own safe room that meets FEMA or ICC 500 standards.
How to Act During:
Immediately go to a safe location that you identified.
Take additional cover by shielding your head and neck with your arms and putting materials such as furniture and blankets around you.
Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions.
Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle.
If you are in a car or outdoors and cannot get to a building, cover your head and neck with your arms and cover your body with a coat or blanket, if possible.
How to be Safe After:
Keep listening to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, and local authorities for updated information.
If you are trapped, cover your mouth with a cloth or mask to avoid breathing dust. Try to send a text, bang on a pipe or wall, or use a whistle instead of shouting.
Stay clear of fallen power lines or broken utility lines.
Do not enter damaged buildings until you are told that they are safe.
Save your phone calls for emergencies. Phone systems are often down or busy after a disaster. Use text messaging or social media to communicate with family and friends.
Be careful during clean-up. Wear thick-soled shoes, long pants, and work gloves.
How to Prepare:
Know your area’s risk of hurricanes.
Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.
If you are at risk for flash flooding, watch for warning signs such as heavy rain.
Practice going to a safe shelter for high winds, such as a FEMA safe room or ICC 500 storm shelter. The next best protection is a small, interior, windowless room in a sturdy building on the lowest level that is not subject to flooding.
Based on your location and community plans, make your own plans for evacuation or sheltering in place.
Become familiar with your evacuation zone, the evacuation route, and shelter locations.
Gather needed supplies for at least three days. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Don’t forget the needs of pets.
Keep important documents in a safe place or create password-protected digital copies.
Protect your property. Declutter drains and gutters. Install check valves in plumbing to prevent backups. Consider hurricane shutters. Review insurance policies.
How to Act During:
If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Do not drive around barricades.
If sheltering during high winds, go to a FEMA safe room, ICC 500 storm shelter, or a small, interior, windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor that is not subject to flooding.
If trapped in a building by flooding, go to the highest level of the building. Do not climb into a closed attic. You may become trapped by rising flood water.
Listen for current emergency information and instructions.
Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery outdoors ONLY and away from windows.
Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around. Don’t Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
Stay off of bridges over fast-moving water.
How to be Safe After:
Listen to authorities for information and special instructions.
Be careful during clean-up. Wear protective clothing and work with someone else.
Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. If it is safe to do so, turn off electricity at the main breaker or fuse box to prevent electric shock.
Avoid wading in flood water, which can contain dangerous debris. Underground or downed power lines can also electrically charge the water.
Save phone calls for emergencies. Phone systems are often down or busy after a disaster. Use text messages or social media to communicate with family and friends.
Document any property damage with photographs. Contact your insurance company for assistance.
How to Prepare:
Take an inventory of the items you need that rely on electricity.
Talk to your medical provider about a power outage plan for medical devices powered by electricity and refrigerated medicines. Find out how long medication can be stored at higher temperatures and get specific guidance for any medications that are critical for life.
Plan for batteries and other alternatives to meet your needs when the power goes out.
Sign up for local alerts and warning systems. Monitor weather reports.
Install carbon monoxide detectors with battery backup in central locations on every level of your home.
Determine whether your home phone will work in a power outage and how long battery backup will last.
Review the supplies that are available in case of a power outage. Have flashlights with extra batteries for every household member. Have enough nonperishable food and water.
Use a thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer so that you can know the temperature when the power is restored. Throw out food if the temperature is 40 degrees or higher.
Keep mobile phones and other electric equipment charged and gas tanks full.
How to Act During:
Keep freezers and refrigerators closed. The refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours. Use coolers with ice if necessary. Monitor temperatures with a thermometer.
Maintain food supplies that do not require refrigeration.
Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Generators, camp stoves, or charcoal grills should always be used outdoors and at least 20 feet away from windows. Never use a gas stovetop or oven to heat your home.
Check on your neighbors. Older adults and young children are especially vulnerable to extreme temperatures.
Go to a community location with power if heat or cold is extreme.
Turn off or disconnect appliances, equipment, or electronics. Power may return with momentary “surges” or “spikes” that can cause damage.
How to be Safe After:
When in doubt, throw it out! Throw away any food that has been exposed to temperatures 40 degrees or higher for two hours or more, or that has an unusual odor, color, or texture.
If the power is out for more than a day, discard any medication that should be refrigerated, unless the drug’s label says otherwise. If a life depends on the refrigerated drugs, consult a doctor or pharmacist and use medicine only until a new supply is available.
Thunder & Lightning
How to Prepare:
Know your area’s risk for thunderstorms. In most places, they can occur year-round and at any hour.
Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.
Identify nearby, sturdy buildings close to where you live, work, study, and play.
Cut down or trim trees that may be in danger of falling on your home.
Consider buying surge protectors, lightning rods, or a lightning protection system to protect your home, appliances, and electronic devices.
How to Act During:
When thunder roars, go indoors. A sturdy building is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm.
Pay attention to weather reports and warnings of thunderstorms. Be ready to change plans, if necessary, to be near shelter.
When you receive a thunderstorm warning or hear thunder, go inside immediately.
If indoors, avoid running water or using landline phones. Electricity can travel through plumbing and phone lines.
Protect your property. Unplug appliances and other electric devices. Secure outside furniture.
If boating or swimming, get to land and find a sturdy, grounded shelter or vehicle immediately.
If necessary, take shelter in a car with a metal top and sides. Do not touch anything metal.
Avoid flooded roadways. Turn Around. Don’t Drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
How to be Safe After:
Listen to authorities and weather forecasts for information on whether it is safe to go outside and instructions regarding potential flash flooding.
Watch for fallen power lines and trees. Report them immediately.