The Counselor Education Program at WCSU uses Blackboard as our classroom interface. Blackboard supports the following browsers:
Desktop Browser Versions |
Mobile Browser Base Versions1 |
Chrome |
87+ |
33+ |
Edge2 |
87+ |
46+ |
Firefox |
78+ |
33+ |
Safari |
13+ (desktop, Mac OS only) |
On iOS 12+ |
Mobile browsers are also supported for the Original experience. Older themes are not supported on these browsers even though users may have success using them. Blackboard Appand Blackboard Instructor are supported native apps for mobile and tablet devices that interact with Blackboard Learn servers. These apps may have their own device requirements.
A known Microsoft Edge issue has caused problems attaching and submitting open Microsoft Office files in Blackboard Learn courses. To help prevent file submission problems, if you use Microsoft Edge, Learn warns you that you should close files before uploading them. The message only displays the first time you encounter a file upload workflow in a Learn session.
Blackboard Learn does not require any other browser plug-ins.