
Ancell School of Business

WCSU's Economics Program

Analyze and understand
economic behavior

At WCSU’s Ancell School of Business, our economics program provides students with an understanding and appreciation of the economic behavior of individuals, business and society. We focus on social outcomes of economic transactions and events, as well as on economic performance.

Economics is an especially relevant background for careers in business or government, as well as for graduate study in economics, law or business.

Our students gain a wide, practical knowledge base studying information literacy, calculus, elementary applied math, social issues research, scientific inquiry, oral communication, quantitative research methods, principles of macroeconomics and microeconomics and economics research.

Students who have completed three years of a foreign language at a C average in high school are not required to complete a foreign language requirement. However, for students in Economics, we strongly suggest that you consider exploring an additional foreign language or advancing your skills in the language studied in high school. Intercultural Competency is required.

Degree Programs

B.A. Economics

Minor in Economics