Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Mandated (required) reporting by university employees

Last updated: August 10, 2020

Other than confidential resources as defined above, in addition to employees who qualify as Campus Security Authorities under the Jeanne Cleary Act, all employees with the following position(s)/title(s) are required to immediately communicate to the university designated recipient (i.e., WCSU Title IX Coordinator) any disclosure or report of sexual misconduct received from a student regardless of the age of the reported victim.  Employees are also required to communicate to the WCSU Title IX Coordinator and/or a member of the University’s Campus Response and Resource Team (see link for more information: on any disclosure(s) or report(s) of sexual misconduct that impacts the individual’s academic and/or employment status with the institution or is otherwise related to the business of the institution.

Upon receiving a disclosure or a report of sexual misconduct, employees are expected to supportively, compassionately and professionally offer academic and other accommodations and to provide a referral for support and other services to either the University designated recipient (i.e., University Title IX Coordinator) by clicking on the link to the University Anonymous Incident Report Form:

Furthermore, in accordance with Connecticut State law, with the exception of student employees, any paid administrator, faculty, staff, athletic director, athletic coach or athletic trainer who, in the ordinary course of their employment, has a reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a person under the age of 18 years has been abused or neglected, has been placed in imminent harm or has had a non‐accidental injury is required by law and Board policy to report the incident within twelve (12) hours to their immediate supervisor and to the State of Connecticut Department of Children and Families.