Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Right to Parties

Last updated: August 10, 2020

For members of the Western Connecticut State University (“WCSU” or “University”) community, those who report any type of sexual misconduct to the University designated recipient (i.e., WCSU Title IX Coordinator) will be informed in a timely manner of all their rights and options, including the necessary steps and potential outcomes of each presented option. When choosing a reporting resource, the following information should be considered:

  • All reports of sexual misconduct will be treated seriously and with dignity by the institution.
  • Referrals to counseling and medical services will be made available immediately and will be confidential, whether or not those who report feel ready to make any decisions about reporting to the university/local police, to a university employee or the WCSU Title IX Coordinator.
  • Those who have been the victim of sexual misconduct have the right to take all available action, with the university, criminal and/or civil legal action against the individual allegedly responsible.
  • Those who seek confidentiality may contact a clergy member(s), a university counseling center psychologist, a university health center care provider, the Women’s Center of Greater Danbury and/or the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence − all of whom are bound by state statutes and professional ethics to maintain confidentiality without written releases.