Promotion and Tenure Committee
(Please note: If a candidate wishes to appear before the committee prior to its recommendation, the candidate must inform the committee chairperson no later than January 15th, or if it is a tenure consideration in the Fall semester, no later than November 17th, to facilitate scheduling)
This web site is maintained in order to disseminate useful information to full-time AAUP members who may be eligible for promotion or tenure.Although reasonable care has been taken to provide accurate information, no responsibility is assumed for editorial or clerical errors, error occasioned by honest mistake, omissions, failure to update the web pages, or hardware or software malfunction. Material, by virtue of being on this web site, does not serve as a contract between any parties. Nothing contained on this web site replaces or supersedes the CSU-AAUP/BOT Collective Bargaining Agreement or the WCSU Faculty Handbook. Neither the Promotion and Tenure Committee nor the maintainer of this web site is authorized to speak on behalf of the University or CSU-AAUP and material on this web site does not necessarily represent the official position of the University or CSU-AAUP on any matter.
Questions or comments, please contact Bill Petkanas, Chair.