Information Technology Committee Bylaws

Information Technology Committee Bylaws

I. Purpose of Committee
To recommend educational technologies to support and improve the teaching and learning environment at Western Connecticut State University.

II. Objectives
A. To assist and support faculty by providing the technology necessary to meet their teaching and research needs.
B. To ensure students are empowered to attain the highest standards of academic achievement through exposure to the latest information technologies.

III. Responsibilities

A. The committee will develop, review, and recommend to the appropriate unit or body regarding:

1. the overall direction of educational technologies;
2. the refresh policy for desktop, classroom, and lab computers and peripherals;
3. the supported software for desktops, classrooms, and labs;
4. student and faculty training and services.

IV. Membership (11 voting members)

A. The faculty membership shall include the following representatives elected by and from that School for overlapping two-year terms on the Committee:

1. One member each from the following: (1) Macricostas School of Arts and Sciences, (2) School of Professional Studies, (3) Ancell School of Business, and (4) School of Visual and Performing Arts.
2. Additionally, one faculty member each from (1) Management Information Systems Department (2) Computer Science Department shall be appointed by the department chairs.

B. Administrative membership includes

1. Two representatives from Information Technology as appointed by the CIO, ex officio;
2. Associate Dean for Library Services and Academic Success Programs or designee, ex officio

C. One (1) representative from the Technology and Instructional Design for Digital Learning (TIDDL) group. Choice of representative and term will be determined by TIDDL, ex officio.

D. One (1) student representative shall be appointed by the Student Government Association, ex officio.

V. Conduct of Business

A. Meetings and Voting

1. The committee will meet monthly and conduct business, following the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
2. Meeting times will be arranged at the beginning of each semester and will be based on the schedule of the majority of the voting membership.
3. Members can be physically present at meetings or attend via audio or video conferencing.
4. A quorum shall consist of more than 50% of the filled positions and must include at least three (3) faculty members.
5. Each voting member has one (1) vote.

B. Reports
The committee will submit an annual report to the University Senate.

C. Minutes
1. Minutes of each meeting will be distributed to the membership one week prior to the next meeting.
2. Once approved, minutes will be posted publicly on the web and distributed by the committee chairperson to all academic department chairpersons.

D. Officers
1. The chairperson will be elected by majority vote at the May meeting for a one-year term and must be a faculty member.
2. A secretary will be elected by majority vote at the May meeting for a one-year term.

E. Amending the Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members present at any regularly scheduled meeting at which there is a quorum, and with the approval of the University Senate and President of the University.

Approved by Faculty Senate 12/18/2019