Peer Education Programming & Workshops

Bystander Intervention
Empowered by-standers can step up and speak out when they witness situations that could potentially harm someone else. Partici
pants will learn some simple ways to intervene and actions they can take which are effective and non-confrontational. If everyone were more comfortable with stepping in to help another, we could reduce the incidents of sexual assaults on and off campus.
Healthy Relationships & Sex Ed
This Jeopardy game encourages students to discuss aspects of healthy versus unhealthy relationships. Would you know the signs of a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? How about a friend who is always putting you down? What does that mean? How about intimate relationships…what do you want? What do you need? Who do you attract? Would you know what to say or do if you or a friend were in a “bad relationship”?
Sexual Assault & Interpersonal Violence
In collaboration with the Women’s Center we conduct an interactive program for students that defines sexual assault, consent, interpersonal violence, and details for students what resources are available on campus for the survivors/victims of such incidents. Attention is given to the new laws and confidentiality issues surrounding these crimes and how any student can make the campus safer.
Alcohol & Sex: A Dangerous Duo
This workshop explores the reasons why alcohol is a leading risk factor in sexual assaults on college campuses. It helps students understand Blood Alcohol Concentration, impaired judgment, and the legal issues of intoxication and sexual assault.
Shots and Hours
Learn about Blood Alcohol Concentration and binge drinking. Using common “party paraphernalia” students pour a drink they would make themselves at a party. Then the “drink” is poured into shot glasses to demonstrate the actual amount of alcohol they are drinking in just “one” drink. PE’s then focus on the blood alcohol wheels with each participant. Goal is to educate students on BAC, limits, responsible drinking and to share the information with others.
Weed, Weed, Weed
This interactive Jeopardy game looks at the newest information on the legalization of marijuana, the health effects, psychological and physical impacts, and what the shift to decriminalization in CT and its legalization in other states really means.
With March Madness, fantasy leagues, online gambling, poker games, etc. more and more gambling activities are part of everyday life. The rate of gambling among college students is at least double the rate for the general population. For some, it can lead to devastating problems with social, financial, and emotional consequences. This workshop looks at what is “wagering” for fun and what are some warning signs that you, a family member, or friend may be crossing that line. You would be surprised how many students have a family member who has gotten into serious financial problems with gambling….there is hope and help!!
is the opportunity for our staff/Peer educators to meet with you and design a specific program to meet your needs. If the above programs are not what you are looking for, give us a call or send an email and we can customize a program for you!