Instructional Technology
WCSU has many tools to support teaching and learning in the physical classroom and online. If you need assistance with any of these tools, please use the contact information provided in the resource description. If your teaching needs are not met by any of these resources (or you aren’t sure whether a tool will work for you), please email to discuss your project.
Learning Management System
Blackboard Learn
Western currently uses Blackboard Learn 9.1 as its E-Learning course management system. Its primary usage allows faculty to supplement their on-ground courses with online components, or to use for course delivery for hybrid or fully online courses. With a standard Web browser, students and instructors can login from anywhere in the world to access their class materials and interact with one another. Blackboard includes a virtual course environment built to support different teaching styles and learning needs, and is designed to provide the tools for faculty to prepare, deliver, and manage their courses.
Need help with your course design? Email:; Contact the Helpdesk with technical issues.
Blackboard App
Blackboard App is Blackboard’s mobile solution that helps students react quickly to their changing course needs while learning to plan for the future. It allows students to quickly view updates to their courses and content. Apple users visit your iTunes store. Android users visit your Google Play store.
Blackboard Instructor
The Blackboard Instructor app allows faculty to manage courses via their mobile devices. Faculty can preview content and assessments; create and reply to discussions; and review, create and send out announcements.
Web Conferencing/Online Meetings
Cisco WebEx is a global web teleconferencing and video tool that provides synchronous and asynchronous connectivity between people. It is greatly used in Higher Education for ease of scheduling and holding meetings of up to 1,000 attendees. It is frequently used by faculty to record and share lectures as well as hold synchronous online classes where students can share presentations, work as groups or receive materials via the built-in download feature. Recordings can also be converted to MP4 and other media types and distributed within Learning Management systems, MediaSpace, YouTube, etc.
Select Survey
Survey software used by Western to enable faculty to create electronic surveys, questionnaires, and evaluations. Results can be viewed by individual submission or statistical summaries. Data can be exported in excel or SPSS format for further analysis.
Microsoft Forms
Forms is a part of the Office 365 suite. It can be used to create surveys and quizzes. Results are reporting in report form with basic charts and can be exported in Excel format.
Media Storage, Streaming and Desktop Capture
Kaltura MediaSpace and Blackboard Plugin
MediaSpace is WCSU’s own, private “YouTube.” Securely create, upload, share, search, browse, and watch on-demand videos, presentations, webcasts, and other rich media content anytime, anywhere. MediaSpace is easily accessible from desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Use the integrated Kaltura tools in Blackboard to record and uploading videos for your students.
Podcasting is a type of radio show which allows access to topical information through downloads on portable devices. Podcasts are easy to create, requiring only a few microphones, a recording device, and a topic. Listening requires only a phone (or computer) and Internet. Students can listen in the car, at home, at work, or wherever they may be. Podcasting enables student engagement in a small, portable package.
Lightboard Technology
Imagine using a glass “chalkboard” to record video lecture topics facing the camera, while capturing good quality video that will engage your students. Lightboard allows you to face your viewers and your writing glows in front of you. It allows you to draw highly visible sketches and equations as you lecture.
Library: WestSearch
This is your key to locating high quality resources for your courses all in one search. The PRIMO interface provides access to the Library’s physical (e.g. books), electronic (e.g. journal articles) collections, and other resources.
Contact your Resource Librarian
Classroom Technology
Technology Classroom Facilities is a quick guide to the various technology facilities at Western. Included are the general computer centers, training rooms, classrooms, lecture halls, and 24-hour computer labs.
NetSupport School
NetSupport, a remote control software solution. This software gives instructors the ability to interact with their students by allowing them to view/project a screen on a student’s workstation or view multiple screens on the instructor’s workstation simultaneously. Commonly used for proctoring and monitoring student exams and activities.
SMART Notebook Collaborative learning software used to create engaging, interactive lessons and activities on a Smart board.
Free Tools
Socrative Socrative is a free app that students can load on their phone for fun, effective and immediate classroom engagement. Quickly assess students with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions to get immediate insight into student understanding.
Purchased Tools
Turning Technology Response card technology – using clickers in the classrooms to further assess student learning.
Contact Western Bookstore, or visit
This resource was developed by Colleen Cox, Becky Diot, Leslie Lindenauer, Aura Lippincott, and Cathy Vanaria as members of the 2017 Distance Education subcommittee on faculty resources.