Dear Faculty,
You are invited to register for training sessions taking place June 15-26 and July 13-24. There are a wide variety of times and dates to fit your summer schedules. Workshop descriptions and sign up links are available via the CELT Summer 2020 Workshops page.
6/23/20 update:
New Sessions added (June 29-30, July 7-9, and July 27) – Full details on the Summer 2020 Workshops page:
- Session 12: Blackboard Basics (Track 5 Tech Tools)
- Session 13: Kaltura Capture (Track 5 Tech Tools)
- Session 14: Blackboard Ally Accessibility (Track 5 Tech Tool)
- Session 15 Incorporating Writing into Any Course, Part 1/2 (Track 2 Course Design)
- Session 16: Designing Rubrics and Providing Feedback for Writing Assignments, Part 2/2 (Track 2 Course Design)