Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

CELT Podcast: Dr. Veronica Howard

Open Educational Resources

Click to listen to the podcast with Dr. Veronica Howard

Dr. Veronica Howard teaches Intro to Behavioral Analysis (PSY A200) in UAA’s Social Sciences Building.

In this podcast, Dr. Veronica Howard, our featured speaker from University of Alaska Anchorage, will discuss open educational resources.

Dr. Veronica Howard is an assistant professor of Psychology at the University of Alaska Anchorage, chair of the UAA textbook affordability committee, and founding member of the Association for Behavior Analysis International’s Open Educational Resources (OER) special interest group. As a first-generation college student, working to find ways to make higher education affordable for all students is a deeply personal mission for Veronica. Veronica’s background is in organizational behavior management and sustainable behavior change, and uses these skills to promote wide-spread adoption and creation of OER materials.


Howard, V. J. (2019). Open educational resources in behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice12(4), 839-853.

Special thanks to Peter Puccio for recording this podcast.