1098-T Tax Documents
1098-T tax forms will be available online on January 31st and can be accessed at any time online to view, save, or print a copy for your records.
Example: Tax Year: 2024 will be available January 31, 2025
Students can log into the Billing Portal in BannerWeb to view their form:
- Login to BannerWeb
- Select “EZpay (Touchnet)”
- Select “Tax Notification Form 1098T”
- Enter the most recent tax year and then select “Submit”
- **Note that your 1098T tax information is always based on the prior year.
The Cashier’s Office cannot provide tax advice. Please visit the IRS website Publication 970, page 9 or consult a tax professional for more information about your ability to claim a tax deduction or tax credit.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the IRS Form 1098-T?
The 1098-T form is a statement that colleges and universities are required to issue to certain students. It provides the total dollar amount paid by the student for what is referred to as qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) in a single tax year.
What is included in Box 1?
Box 1 includes the total amount of payments received for qualified education expenses that were billed between January 1 and December 31. Qualified tuition and fees do not include the transportation fee, housing, food, insurance, medical expenses, transportation expenses, and similar personal, living, or family expenses.
Why is Box 2 blank?
Effective 2018, the IRS requires all institutions to report payments received (Box 1). Due to this requirement, Box 2 is blank.
What is included in Box 4?
Box 4 shows the amount of any tuition and fee adjustments in the current calendar year for the charges that were billed in a previous calendar year.
What is included in Box 6?
Box 6 shows the amount of scholarships or grant adjustments in the current calendar year for aid that was credited in a previous calendar year.
Why doesn’t my 1098-T include payments I made for the Spring 2024 semester?
Generally, charges are posted to your student account in November for the spring semester. The charges billed in Spring 2024 would have been included in the calculations for your 2023 1098-T form.
I am having trouble accessing my 1098-T form. When I click on the form, nothing happens.
It is possible that your web browser’s pop-up blocker is enabled, which is not allowing the form to pop up in a new window. You will need to temporarily disable your pop-up blockers. How to Disable Pop-up Blockers
Does the 1098-T include charges for books?
No, the form does not include amounts paid for books. You should consult with your tax advisor to determine if payments for books, equipment, or fees should be considered when preparing your income tax returns and determining eligibility for education tax credits and deductions.
I cannot access my 1098-T form because I have graduated or am no longer a WCSU student. How can I retrieve the form?
Please email the Cashier’s Office at cashiers@wcsu.edu with the subject line FORMER STUDENT 1098-T ACCESS. Please include your name, student ID number, the tax year you are looking for, and a phone number we can reach you at if needed.
Can you mail me my form?
Paper forms are unavailable and must be accessed online through Bannerweb.