Student Organizations
For Student Organizations:
Student Organizations who are requesting box office services should contact the Campus & Student Centers Office via email at or by phone at 203-837-8494 to discuss the best options specific to your box office needs.
Services Available:
- Ticket sales via the internet and by phone or in person
- Ushers for day of show
- Consignment tickets printed for an organization so that the organization may pass out or sell them
- Ticket distribution at the Venue’s will call window
- At the door sale of tickets for events
- Show reports to indicate sales
- Directory of upcoming shows via voicemail and online
- The Box Office will post your event on the WCSU Box Office Website Schedule
- If you have an external website with advertising for your event, we recommend letting us know so that we can provide it as a link for more information on the event schedule
Note: Signs, posters, flyers or banners may not be taped or attached to any walls or doors throughout the Campus or Student Centers.
Before a ticket can be ready for over the counter, online or over the phone sales, a ticket request form must be filled out. Please see the forms below to ensure that all the proper paperwork is filled out prior to submitting the completed documents. All documents must be submitted to Campus & Student Centers at least 7 days prior to the sale start date. The Campus & Student Centers Office is located in the Westside Campus Center, Room 320.
Below are the list of forms when requesting Box Office services:
- Student Ticket Request Form
- Student Raffle Request
- Student Travel Request Form
- Usher/Box Office Staff Request Form