
Welcome New Faculty!


Dr. Carlos Santibañez-Lopez

Science Building 206



I am an evolutionary biologist fascinated by venomous arthropods and the molecular diversity of venoms as a potential driver of adaptation and diversification. I grew up in Mexico, which harbors the peak of scorpion diversity in the world, and where scorpion envenomation poses a major health concern. Therefore, I trained to learn next generation sequencing, bioinformatic analysis, development/ evodevo, and population genomics. In this way, I have tried to train as broadly as possible to tackle the diversity of arachnids at multiple macro and microevolutionary levels.

At WCSU, I’ll be teaching Genetics and Evolution. My teaching philosophy and research goals align with the department’s commitment to student professional development. I am passionate about teaching at different levels. In addition, my research has proven successful in attracting interest from students, since it combines field work with morphological analysis, phylogenetics, genomics and developmental biology. More importantly, every component of my research program is immediately amenable to participation by undergraduate students.


You can learn more about my work at my website:




Dr. Rayda Krell

Science Building 239


I am an applied entomologist with research experience in agroecosystems in Iowa and California. At WCSU, I am working with local partners to develop a research program to understand emerging invasive insect species and the effect of invasive plants on insect biodiversity. I enjoy sharing my love of insects through outreach efforts at local schools and nature centers, often with the help of WCSU students, and I serve in several roles for the Entomological Society of America.

This semester I will teach the non-majors biology course “Concepts of Biology” and the required course for biology majors, “Modes of Scientific Communication.” One of my main projects in the past year has been as a co-author of the 7th edition of the textbook, Entomology and Pest Management, which will hopefully be available in fall 2021. I look forward to working with everyone at WCSU!