Biology Advisement

Faculty Office Hours (TBD)
Welcome to our advisement page! Advisors are biology department faculty who will help you design a course of study that will prepare you for a career in a biology-related field. You should meet with your advisor at least once a semester to discuss your progress and plan what courses to take.
Advising for Pre-Health Students – Frequently Asked Questions
Will the biology major prepare me for a pre-health career?
Yes! The Biology major includes many of the required courses for pre-health pathways. The Biology major also does a great job preparing students for health professions. Between 2018-2023, WCSU Biology student applicants boasted high rates of acceptance into medical (67%), dental (50%), and veterinary schools (100%). For reference, national rates of acceptance into medical, dental, and veterinary schools are approximately 41%, 53%, and 10%, respectively. Make sure to tell your assigned advisor if you are interested in the pre-health pathway. Pre-health students should meet with a pre-health professions advisor in addition to their assigned biology faculty advisor.
How do I know if I am a pre-health pathways student?
Pre-health pathways students are students from any major (not just biology) who are interested in applying to medical, dental, physician assistant, physical therapy, veterinary, or other professional health-focused programs. There are no specific pre-health, pre-med, pre-dental etc. majors at WCSU.
How do I find out more about the pre-health pathway and pre-health advising?
Visit the Pre-Health Programs page to learn more.
Advising for Biology Majors – Frequently Asked Questions
Who is my advisor?
Every biology student is assigned a Biology Department faculty member as an advisor. You can find out the name of your assigned advisor by visiting MyBanner.
Do I have to meet with an advisor?
How often should I meet with my advisor?
You should meet with your advisor at least once per semester to discuss what courses to take the following semester. Your advisor will also help make sure you are meeting the requirements for graduating with a Biology degree.
Is advising different for each of the biology major options (BS Biology, BS Biology Ecological Sciences, BS Biology Bioscience)?
Every Biology major must meet with their assigned advisor, regardless of the program option chosen. You can see the degree requirements for each Biology option here. Pre-health pathways students should additionally meet with a pre-health professions advisor.