Thesis Guidelines & Associated Forms

📑Thesis Guidelines
A step by step guide to help scientists build a strong foundation for their future thesis proposal.
Associated Forms:
📑Thesis Advisory Committee and Proposal Approval Form
Form for required thesis proposal approval by the Thesis Advisory Committee. Submit this form (PDF) as an attachment to the Director of the IBD Graduate Program.
📑BIO592: Thesis Credit Registration Form
A maximum of 6 credits can be used for graduation.
📑Thesis Title Page Example
An example page for creating a thesis title page
📑Thesis Coversheet and Signature Routing Form
Completion form after thesis requirements are fulfilled, to be attached in front of thesis.
📑Thesis Defense Approval and Outcome Form
Submit this form (PDF) as an attachment to the Director of the IBD Graduate Program
📑Copyright and Digital Access Form
Form permitting University to publish your thesis with digital access.
📑Research Grants for Graduate Students Guidelines for Applications
The Reassigned Time Recovery Fund provides resources derived from external faculty research grants to promote and support quality research in the Department of Biology. Graduate students enrolled in the MS Integrative Biological Diversity Program at WCSU may apply for funding to support research activities.