Office of the Provost
Dr. Stephen Hegedus,
Interim Provost & V.P. of Academic Affairs
What is a Provost?
The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost is the chief academic administrator at Western Connecticut State University and responsible for all aspects of the academic mission—from recruitment of students to the administration of the schools and other units that are central to the academic enterprise. The Provost collaborates with the President in setting academic priorities and provides leadership for the school and college deans and their faculties.
Academic Deans |
![]() Dr. Michelle Brown, Dean |
![]() Dr. Joan Palladino, Dean |
![]() Dr. James Donegan, Interim Dean |
![]() Mr. Brian Vernon, Dean |
Dr. Yaseen Hayajneh, Interim Dean |
Department Chairs
Macricostas School of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Theodora Pinou, chair
pinout@wcsu.educreate new email
Dr. Nicholas Greco, chair
grecon@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-9365
Computer Science
Dr. Gancho Ganchev, chair
ganchevg@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-9349
Dr. Daniel Coffman, associate chair
coffmand@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8746
Dr. Rotua Lumbantobing, chair
lumbantobingr@wcsu.educreate new email
English & Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Cigdem Usekes, chair
usekesc@wcsu.educreate new email
History, Philosophy & World Perspectives
Dr. Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox, chair
WilcoxW@wcsu.eduaym@wcsu.educreate new email
Dr. Anna Maria Malavisi, associate chair
malavisia@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3271
Dr. David Burns, Chair
burnsd@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-9346
Dr. Patricia O’Neill, chair
oneillp@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-9383
Social Sciences
Dr. Christine Hegel-Cantarella, chair
hegelcantarellaccreate new email@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3914
World Languages & Composition
Dr. Galina Bakhtiarova, chair
bakhtiarovag@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8734
Dr. Kelli Custer, associate chair
custerk@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3941
Ancell School of Business
Dr. Michele W. Ganon, chair
ganonm@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8742
Dr. Annie Wong, chair
wonga@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8577
Dr. Stanley Bazan, chair
Bazans@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-9238
Management Information Systems
Dr. Tom Yoon
yoont@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3963
Dr. Ronald Drozdenko, chair
drozdenkor@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8776
School of Professional Studies
Dr. Katherine Roe, chair
roek@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3263
Educational Psychology
Stephanie Kuhn, co-chair
kuhns@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3206
Lorrie-Anne Monte, co-chair
montel@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3262
Health Promotion and Exercise Science
Dr. Emily Stevens, chair
Stevense@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3903
Ms. Krista Heybruck, associate chair
heybruckk@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3903
Justice & Law Administration Division
Dr. Kim Marino, chair
marinok@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3973
Dr. Jeanette Lupinacci, chair
lupinaccij@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8570
Social Work
Dr. Karen McLean, chair
brownk@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8937
School of Visual, Performing & Communication Arts
Ken Scaglia, chair
Scagliak@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3975
Communication & Media Arts
Dr. Katie Lever-Mazzuto, chair
(203) 837-8872
Creative and Professional Writing
Ms. Bonnie Denmark, chair
denmarkb@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8733
Dr. Laurel Larsen, chair
larsonl@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8353
Jamie Begian, associate chair
BegianJ@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-8637
Theatre Arts
Dr. Justin Cowan, chair
(203) 837-8476
Joni Johns-Lerner, associate chair
lernerj@wcsu.educreate new email
(203) 837-3984