Cashier's Office

Cash Receipts/Funds Handling Requirements

University departments that handle funds should be committed to strong internal controls of cash receipts to prevent the mishandling of funds and safeguarding against loss. In addition, departments need to ensure funds are deposited within State guidelines.

  • If funds received total $500 or more, a deposit must be brought to the Cashier’s Office the day of receipt.
  • Receipts of lesser amounts may be held for 24 hours.
  • Please contact the Cashier’s Office at if you encounter a situation that will prevent you from depositing funds within this time frame.

Departments are required to log receipts of all funds on the Department Deposit Form. Funds include coins, currency, checks, money orders, and traveler’s checks. All deposits must be brought to the Cashier’s Office by 3:00 pm (unless department is a direct depositor) A direct depositor is an area authorized by the Controller to deposit directly to the University’s bank account rather than making deposits at the Customer Service Window at the University Cashier’s Office.

The Cashier’s Office is responsible for monitoring departmental deposits to ensure compliance with State guidelines. Departments that fail to adhere to established guidelines are required to submit a written explanation from the Dean or Department Head to the Assistant Bursar and include corrective action taken to ensure funds are deposited within guidelines.  Failure to deposit funds within stated time frames may result in an audit finding and must be reported to University Management.

In order to ensure that funds received are credited to the correct account, the banner account must be provided for each deposit line item.

Banner accounts/Description

519000 Fundraising
519004 Gifts and donations
505300 Tickets
505413 Advertising
505008 Membership/Dues
505407 Program Income

When submitting a deposit slip to the Cashier’s Office, please make sure it is filled out completely and contains the Department, Banner Fund, Banner Org, Banner Account and Banner Program.

For departments collecting funds on a regular basis, deposits must be made daily.

All accumulating cash receipts totaling $500 or more must be deposited the day of receipt. Departments are responsible for safeguarding receipts and all funds must be kept in secure locations. To protect funds, they should be kept in a lockable container, such as a cash box, and stored in an area that is not visible to unauthorized personnel. The container should not be left unattended during the work day. At night or outside of business hours, all funds must be kept in a secured (locked) storage area, such as a locked desk, file cabinet or safe.

Check deposits may be mailed to the Cashier’s Office, Old Main Building, provided the deposit:

  • Does not contain cash
  • Does not total more than $500

Copies of checks should be made for each deposit mailed, as the department is responsible for lost deposits and having the checks reissued. Deposits containing cash must not be mailed to the University Cashier’s Office.

Occasionally, departments receive funds (usually checks) lacking sufficient documentation for determining if these funds belong to the department. If these funds cannot be “identified” within 24 hours, the funds must be taken to the Cashier’s Office for deposit into the Universities unidentified account. The Cashier’s Office will assume responsibility for identifying and posting these payments.