Department of Music

FAQs Regarding the Bachelor of Science in Music Education Degree Program

  1. What are the entrance requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Music Education Degree Program?To be considered for the Bachelor of Science in Music Education degree program at WCSU you must first pass an audition as well as meet the academic entrance requirements. For information regarding the audition process, please click here.
  2. How long will it take for me to finish my degree in music education?Most students entering into the BS in Music Education degree program complete the 120 credits in four years, provided they follow the recommended course sequence. Some students take longer, depending on their individual academic situations. For example, students who are required to take remedial courses in Mathematics and Writing may take longer.
  3. Many universities are offering five-year programs in music education that promise a masters degree in addition to a bachelor degree. Can I do this at WCSU?Most universities that offer five-year programs, with an integrated masters degree do not offer a masters degree within the content area of music education, but rather add on a Master of Arts in Education degree, or a Master of Arts in Teaching degree. As a result, the majority of the graduate work is taken outside of the critical areas of music and music education. While students indeed acquire a Master of Arts degree in such programs, there is little emphasis placed on core music and music education subjects such as music history, music theory, pedagogy and performance. In the near future, state certification boards will require that the masters degree be in the content area specific to the discipline, rendering such general master of arts programs obsolete.WCSU offers a traditional Bachelor of Science in Music Education degree and a traditional Master of Science in Music Education degree. Upon graduation with their BS in Music Education, students are free to pursue their graduate studies in music education or performance at any of the fine regional or national institutions offering these programs, including WCSU. Students undertaking traditional graduate degrees in music, including the MS in Music Education degree at WCSU, are typically offered opportunities to pursue specialized programs that include courses in music education, pedagogy, music history, music theory, music technology, and performance.
  4. Universities with 5-year programs claim that I will enter the job market sooner and will be more employable than if I attend a traditional 4-year program. Is this true?There is no evidence to support such claims, and in fact, if a student completes their bachelor degree in four years, they will actually enter the job market a year sooner than a student completing a 5-year program.  Since there are numerous regional graduate programs in music and music education that cater to newly hired teachers, many music educators throughout the tri-state area complete their graduate work while gainfully employed in their teaching jobs.
  5. What are my chances of landing a teaching job when I graduate?Over the past 10 years the placement record for graduates of the music education degree program have been nearly 100%. Considering the current state of the economy, and the tendency to cut back in arts programs in the public schools during such times, it is safe to say that the placement rate could be less than 100% in the next few years. The placement rate for fall 2017 was 100%.