Cashier's Office

Convenience Fee Frequently Asked Questions

What is a convenience fee?

The convenience fee is a fee that is assessed to all online credit card payments for tuition and fees. The fee is 2.95% of the total payment/with a $3 minimum . (Example, if you are paying $1,000 on your account, the total cost of the transaction will be $1,029.50, if you make a $25 credit card payment the fee is $3)

I want to pay my bill online, what are my payment options?

Students and authorized payers may pay their bill online using debit or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard,  Discover or American Express) or electronic checks. Electronic checks are not subject to the 2.95%/$3 minimum convenience fee.

Will WCSU still accept paper checks or money orders?

Yes, WCSU does accept paper checks and money orders in person at the Cashier’s Office located on the first floor in the Old Main Building or by mail.

If mailing in a check, please make the check payable to WCSU and mail to:
ATTN: Cashier’s Office
181 White Street, Danbury, CT 06810.
Please include your student ID # on the payment.

Why is WCSU charging a fee for the use of credit cards?

To help cover the administrative costs associated with our various payment programs, including security measures required to process credit card transactions.

Does the convenience fee apply at the bookstore?

No, the convenience fee does not apply to credit card purchases made at the bookstore or for dining services.

I can not pay my bill in full, what are my payment options?

You may enroll in our online payment plan which is processed through our third party online billing and payment provider, TouchNet.  TouchNet accepts debit or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) and electronic checks. All debit/credit card payments are subject to the convenience fee.

Where can I pay my bill in person and what type of payments will be accepted?

Cash, personal or certified check, or money order payments may be made at the WCSU Cashier’s Office located on the first floor of the Old Main Building. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Credit card payments for student tuition and fees bills cannot be accepted at the Cashier’s Office. However, computer kiosks will be available near the Cashier’s Office for students and authorized users to make credit card payments online through their Westconnduit account and will be subject to a 2.95%/$3 minimum non-refundable convenience fee. No mailed, faxed or in-person credit card transaction will be accepted.

Identification may be required for cash payments that exceed a certain amount per IRS regulations for cash payments.